Hope, Joy, and Peace
The Advent season is a wonderful reminder and opportunity to prepare spiritually. Advent is a time of preparation, not buying and selling presents, but an opportunity to focus on Christ and His coming. Advent focuses both on Jesus’ miraculous birth as a human being, born of the virgin Mary, and also on Christ’s return to set the whole world aright.
This year our Advent is focusing on Hope, Joy, and Peace. What’s important to remember about the Hope, Joy, and Peace that Christ gives, is that it is not about our immediate circumstances, but about the eternal gifts that God has given us.
We hope you will consider joining us as one opportunity to refocus on Christ, our Savior.
May God bless your Christmas, as He has already blessed you with blessings that will never perish, spoil, or fade!
Midweek Advent Services - December 6, 13, and 20 from 7-7:30pm
Christmas Eve - 10am (traditional) and 7pm (candlelight)
New Year's Eve - 10am (traditional) and 11:10am (contemporary)