We think you will find the people at Grace Lutheran Church to be warm and welcoming folks. We place a strong emphasis on Gods’ Word, Jesus, and faithful preaching and teaching in our services. God promises to give us what we need through His Word and gifts. Children of all ages are welcome in our services. There is no dress code; the important thing is that you are here.
Sunday Services
Our traditional service includes scripture readings, a sermon message, hymns, and spiritual songs accompanied by our pipe organ and, at times, our vocal choir or bell choir. The order of the service generally comes from The Lutheran Services Book.
If you wish to learn more about the liturgical components of the service, click here.
The Lord's Supper is served on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month.
Adults - An adult Bible class is taught year round by the pastor or a lay leader. In addition to Biblical topics, the class also studies other theological topics, as well as the spiritual aspects of current world topics.
Children - Sunday school is offered for children age 4 through fifth grade, and confirmation is offered for sixth grade and up.
Nursery - A nursery for toddlers is available on the lower level.
Grace Alive is a service with a contemporary feel that also focuses on the timeless message of our God and His love for us. Modern Christian songs are led by our praise team with guitar accompanists. The service also incorporates the use of digital media.
The Lord's Supper is served on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of the month.
We have a large parking lot on the east side of the church building. The entrance to the parking lot is off of Verdin Avenue. You may also park across the street at Walgreen's in the one row of spaces that face the entrance to the church.
The main, barrier-free, entrance to the church is located on Verdin Avenue. This entrance provides elevator and stair access to the upper and lower levels of the church. The elevator is located directly inside the double glass doors to the left. The stairs are to the right.
The door closest to the Boudinot Avenue parking lot leads to the Ministry Offices. If you are coming to meet with a staff member during the week, this is the best entrance to use. This entrance is not open on Sundays.
The Building
The sanctuary, where our traditional service is held, is located on the upper level. The stairs or elevator will direct you to the lobby (narthex) which contains the entrance to the sanctuary.
The multipurpose room which serves as the sanctuary for our contemporary service is located on the lower level of the church.
“To gather with God’s people in united adoration of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as prayer.”