

Lenten and Easter Services

Due to the recommendations from the CDC regarding COVID-19, our Lenten dinners and in-person services are cancelled effective March16th. We will be posting recordings of Pastor Greg’s scheduled message on our site’s homepage and on our YouTube channel. Thank you for your understanding.

February 26 (Ash Wednesday)

“Big Things With Small Stuff”  | Exodus 2:1-10

March 4

“How God Changes Us!” | Exodus 3:1-14

March 11

“Stop Trying and Start Trusting”  |  Exodus 14:1-29

March 18

“Strike the Rock!”  |  Exodus 17:1-7

Lenten Bulletin for March 18, 2020

March 25

“Mine!” | Exodus 20:1-7

Lenten Bulletin for March 25, 2020

“Digging Ourselves Into a Hole” | Exodus 32:1-14

Lenten Bulletin for April 1, 2020

April 1

Maundy Thursday Communion Service

April 9

Good Friday Tenebrae Service

April 10